SQL Server workloads
So far, the discussions in all the previous posts (1, 2, 3, and 4) on the performance impact of file fragmentation on a drive presented from a high-end enterprise-class disk array are related to disk I/O workloads. Ultimately, you want to know how file fragmentation may impact your SQL Server workloads.
In this post, I share with you some results from running three SQL Server workloads: (1) database backups, (2) checkpoints, and (3) table scans. These SQL Server workloads were run in the same three test scenarios as used in all the previous four posts:
· Non-fragmented. The database files were created on an empty drive,
· 2MB fragments. The database files were created on a drive whose free space had been fragmented into non-contiguous chunks with each chunk being contiguous and 2MB in size,
· 128KB fragments. The database files were created on a drive whose free space had been fragmented into non-contiguous chunks with each chunk being contiguous and 128KB in size,
The same database was used in all the tests. The database was about 9.5GB in size, and the table on which table scan was performed had 10 million rows and was about 4GB in size. DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS was run prior to each table scan.
The following chart is a summary of the SQL Server workload test results:
Clearly, file fragmentation did not have any significant performance impact on these SQL Server workloads. Because the performance of these workloads is dependent on the disk I/O throughput, we could have predicted this from the results of our disk I/O tests as reported in the previous four posts. However, it's still comforting to see the prediction validated with real data points.
This concludes this series of posts on the performance impact of file fragmentation on a drive that is presented from a high-end enterprise class disk array. Overall, the impact was significantly less than what we have seen on a traditional directly attached disk drive. For I/O throughput, there was little to no impact. For I/O latency (or response time), file fragmentation can cause some I/O request to take much longer to complete.
In a future post(s), I'll explore whether the same holds true with a drive presented from a lower end disk array.
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