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Every year I put out resolutions, but this year is a little different.  I will post my SQL only blog resolutions here, and my personal ones here. Every year I find my ability to put out stuff is limited by my desire for sleep and fun, and this year is no different. So I am going to be realistic this time.I think.

1. Only collaborative works this year.  I am collaborating with Tim Ford (http://ford-it.com/) on the oft mentioned DMV book for red-gate.  I feel it will get done with or without me this time, but I am committed to making it happen.  The MVP book work is mostly done, but there is a good bit more work to do before it goes to print for sure.

2. At least one SQL blog on this site every two weeks or more often.  I have my pillar posts that are in progress, (one is ready for posting in a day or two), and I am going to post some of the DMV stuff along too, most likely.

3. Back on the forums more steady now that the holidays have passed. I try to stick to 3-5 posts a day, even when I am writing, but it can be laborious.  Luckily the talent that is working the forums has greatly improved over the past three years.

4. Bring my back catalog of posts from drsql.spaces.live.com over to sqlblog in cleaned up/updated form, as well as posting them to my website drsql.org for future reference as well.

5. Keeping drsql.org more up to date with stuff I do.

6. Speak at least 3 times this year (user group (nashville.sqlpass.org), Devlink (devlink.net), and PASS, hopefully).

7. Work with PASS on social media to help make them a solid place to go to meet other SQL nerds, even those on other communities.

8. Work on my responsibilities with the Nashville SQL User's group to help us turn a corner to a thriving group.  Right now we have a lot of potential, but need to do a bit more.

9. Read more. One thing about producing content is that it prohibits you from ingesting content from others.

See, realistic.

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