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The biggest feature of management studio that most people don't know about is the keyboard shortcuts for stored procedures.

You can configure a shortcut i.e. CTRL+1 to execute a stored procedure. Whats more if you have some text highlighted it can be passed to that SP as a parameter.

To configure go to Tools | Options | Keyboard.

You will see a set of shortcuts defined by default i.e. ALT + F1 for sp_help.

I set CTRL + F1 to sp_spaceused and CTRL + 3 to sp_helptext.

Whilst these are great they can be better. For instance if you have execution plans selected and you run sp_help you will have a huge number of execution plans generated. This causes a huge problem.

I've created a connect item to get the keyboard shortcut functionality extended and to allow selected text to be passed as a string. (Currently if you select Sales.Order and do ALT+F1 it will fail because of the . (period) in the selected text)

The connect item is here https://connect.microsoft.com/SQLServer/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=390612


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