As an independent consultant I often work on SSIS packages outside of the environment they were developed. This poses numerous problems. The first an major one being the validation process in SSIS.
When you open a package it goes into this validation phase. If you forget to set the "work offline" property then the likely result is that visual studio sits there waiting while the SSIS designer trys to make a connection to each and every file, database, cube etc that you have defined and then get all the components to validate. As the default timeout for connections to a database is 30 seconds this can lead to a very loooooonnnnnnnggggggg delay whilst the package is loading.
This is really annoying because once it starts it can't be stopped, unlike most other operations that can be halted i.e. CTRL+BREAK to stop a build, this validation phase can't be stopped.
So I've fired up a suggestion to get this improved. If this is also a psin for you then make sure you vote on it.
I won't get onto the other annoyance that in "Work Offline" mode many components don't allow you to see their configuration because they have to validate the connections etc when opening up their designers. This is something as well that needs resolving, ideally in the framework so that each developer of a custom component doesn't have to reinvent the wheel.
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